Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Lesson 5:Juxtaposition

-   A placing or being placed in contiquity , or side by side as a Juxtaposition of words.
Analogy > Metaphor
             > Similes
Analogies > Logical Analogies
               > Affective Analogies


This exercise is about mixing farm and wild animals together. The objective of this activity is to make sure that both of the animal cannot survive living together. Here is my drawing of what we can call ‘Impossible Creature’
combination fish and a cow

Create a passage/writing that describe the concept of ‘LOVE
CHILI(LOVE)>You’re hot inside and smooth outside, just like a Chili. When I touch you, I can feel your smooth skin.
TIME(HAPPINESS)>From time to time, I can feel you around me and it makes me so happy. And then I realize that from time to time, the happiness is getting less and less. Thats how time tears happiness apart.
PAIN(ICE-CREAM)>When I like your cold body, it gives me pain inside of me. That when I know that your cold and colorful body sometimes can gives pain to some people.

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